Relaxation rooms
Hotel Klosterbräu
Klosterstraße 30
Seefeld in Tyrol
There is plenty of room for togetherness and the ideal retreat in your Klosterbräu. Be all to yourself for a change. Feel and perceive yourself. Spend quiet moments and let go of everyday stress.
We know this deep need only too well and have created a perfect hideaway for you - with islands of peace and breathing space.
Then lose yourself in the vastness of nature - in our 150,000 m² private Garden of Eden, nestled in the landscape of the Seefeld nature region. Your green lung to breathe deeply, directly behind the Hotel Klosterbräu.
Historical walls as an extraordinary retreat. The gates to what is probably Austria's most beautiful 500-year-old wine cellar are also open for you to relax in during the day. You scurry there in your bathrobe directly via the sauna area. Enjoy the tranquillity and power of the old monastery vaults and enjoy invigorating teas there.
Refreshments are also available. We also reveal the family secret, or rather the monastery secret: the beer miracle - a relaxation area with an elixir of life. From the hidden beer fountain you can enjoy what is probably the most delicious refreshment after an extensive sauna session. Home-brewed beer bubbles up from the never-ending fountain and refreshes and helps you regenerate.
Recreation Plus: This is an Adults only 16+ area.
Here you will awaken the spirit of life within you. The 500-year-old stone wall soothes the soul while you gently stimulate your circulation and metabolism with "water treading" according to Bishop Sebastian Kneipp. Make use of the seating in this regeneration corridor to draw strength and inner peace. Follow the candlelight to the ground floor directly next to our sauna area.
Recreation Plus: This is an Adults only 16+ area.
In the basement of the Spiritual Spa, she, the iron queen, is enthroned majestically in the middle of the room with her 1.5 tonnes. Her face is accentuated by subtle lighting and a sensual music programme. Well-tempered waterbeds make this room a deep relaxation experience.
Recreation Plus: This is an Adults only 16+ area.
Experience unique moments of relaxation. You will find spacious waterbeds directly in our bathing area. In a waterbed, the spine is anatomically correctly and evenly supported. This ensures optimal regeneration.
Small, fine and with priceless, direct views of the stars, this relaxation room is located at outdoor pool level. Here you can thoroughly enjoy your quiet time or your favourite book.
Recreation Plus: This is an Adults only 16+ area.
Right next to the Vital Bistro, we have placed what is probably the world's largest cuddly couch ;-) Whether for a short power nap or a hibernation. Whatever does you good and relaxes your body is allowed. You are also welcome to come in your bathrobe.
Recreation Plus: This is an Adults only 16+ area.
Stroll along ancient paths, up to the officially recognised power place on the Pfarrhügel, linger for a few unforgettable moments, gaze into the distance and admire mountain ranges, return to the hotel, past flower meadows and herb bushes. This is rest and relaxation in the spacious Garden of Eden.